Monday, June 18, 2007

Namaste, Ya'll

Kelly and I are spending a few weeks in Lavonia, Georgia (where my parents live) before I go to India. (10 days until departure!) Once my visa finally arrived, Kelly and I packed a minivan with two greyhounds, four cats, ourselves and our belongings and drove 17 1/2 hours to Lavonia. Kelly is actually going to stay here while I am away and help my parents with some "honey-do's".

A typical day here at "The Lake" (My parents live on a big lake and a few years ago bought a house a few houses down where we stay when we visit.) so far involves sleeping, meditating, breakfast, a long dog walk in the state park across the lake, lunch, errands/chores, yoga practice and dinner all together at the end of the day. Sometimes we swim, sometimes we kayak.

So far, we have had quite a lovely time although at this writing Kelly is feeling a bit shell shocked from watching two hours of dramatic TV with Mom and Dad. He is not really used to anything much more intense than Frasier, King of the Hill or Scrubs. Bloody murders being solved, abusive husbands beating wives and so on- not really soothing impressions, if you know what I mean.

This weekend I am teaching a yoga workshop in Toccoa, Georgia. An Anusara Yoga friend of mine has classes there and invited me to teach while I am in the neighborhood. Sherrie is a lovely yogini and sister of Jaye Martin who is a former Geoffrey ballet dancer and certified Anusara Yoga teacher in Sarasota. It should be a fun day.

That's about all for now. I'll post some pics and reflections in a few days. Mostly we have just been settling in. Anne was here this weekend for a Father's Day visit. All in all, a good time was had by all.

1 comment:

Genevieve said...

Hey Girly!!
Nice blogging! Good to hear that you are enjoying yourself in the Southland and are all set to fly off to the Motherland. Thinking of you here and looking forward to vicariously tasting India through your updates! Things here are better and better every day. The rain is keeping summer deciededly un-Texan (thank goodness).
Big Love,