Sunday, July 8, 2007

Ari- My Dad is pretty fabulous. In addition to instilling in me a love for communication, both verbal and written, and the delights of great food and drink in good company, my Dad was my very early role model for self-inquiry. He gave me my first journal when I was around 9 years old (It was one of those old-school black and white compostion-style notebooks.) and told me that it was a place I could say anything I wanted. (Which perhaps in retrospect meant that the dinner table was not a place where I could say anything I wanted!! Hmm... funny I never got that until now...but anyway, I still keep a journal to this day.) At one time he was involved in a Jungian group and he always been committed to and rooted in his faith. (Another great lesson from Dad.) You and Lisa McClear might both like to know that he looks a lot like Jean Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart). You, because of the crush, Lisa because she and I are both Trekkies.)

Particularly important lessons from Dad-
1. From Romans- "There is nothing that can separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ." (And on a side note, he would tell me this frequently when, as a teenager, I did not feel so lovable and was doing my very best to prove that I could indeed separate myself from Love in all forms.)
2. "You can act your way into a new way of thinking easier than you can think yourself into a new way of acting." Direct quote.
3. Follow your Bliss but be sure you know what it is.
4. Something can be True and not accurate; understand the difference.
5. Love your mate with your whole heart. (He never said this to me but he definitely lives this.He and my mom have been married for 47 years and they still crack each other up.Now that is inspiring.)
6.Refuse the glass ceiling.
7. Do not talk down to children. Speak to them like the intelligent people they are.

There is probably more but that is it off the top of my head.

Anne and I went shopping today which was a lot of fun. I think she is writing about it now so check out her blog. More on the yoga tomorow. We had the day off from The Institute today.


Mike Frosolono said...


OK, you've made my day.

Perhaps you can save and expand on your remarks during your eulogy at my funeral, hopefully in about 20 years.

All is well here. Andrea is doing LUMC finances, I'm catching up in my office. Kelly is taking a well-deserved rest from his labors. We expect him here for cocktails and dinner.

Love and blessings,

The Frosolono Patriarch

Anonymous said...

Have I told you of my college crush on Captain Picard? And now I am realizing I must be a serial crush artist. hm. svadhyaya is a dish best served warm, don't you think?

Ya know, your Dad actually sounds a bit like mine, except my Dad gave me a camera instead of a journal. Here he is:

Are you taking photos? I really, really hope so. Be well!